
American Legion Newsletter

I would like to thank all our members who attended our August meeting. We had a lot of Legion business to discuss and, as commander, I appreciate all of your input. Our main agenda item was the discussion and subsequent passage of the renovation of our basement. It was agreed that we would construct a meeting room for about thirty members, a new computer room/office and a Commander/Treasurer office. It will be handicap accessible.

In addition we approved the purchase of a 27″ television to donate to the veterans in the new veteran’s home on Drewville Road, serving the Mahopac/Carmel area. Applications for residence are available through the Veteran’s Service Agency in Carmel. Or if interested see me for further details. County Commander Jerry DeFrancesco and myself presented the TV on September 7th.

CPR classes are being formed. Any interested member wishing to sign up, the course will be taught by Rosemary Dolson and Donna Schatzabel, both Registered Nurses. We’re looking for about 20 members to start the class. See me or leave word at the post if you’re interested.

Now it is time to thank you. The Installation, which was attended by about eighty members, was a great success. Everyone had a wonderful time. Past Commander Mickey Deitz, Jerry Purdy, Tom Dazi, John Schatzabel, members of the Sons of the American Legion and the Auxiliary were responsible for its success. All those who helped who I didn’t mention, thanks a lot.

Tom Dazi installed safety/speed bumps and painted lines in the parking lot. He did this on one of the hottest days of the year. His work saved the legion quite a bit of money we would have had to pay to contractors. Thanks Tom.

Baseball Dinner. Post 1080 supports an American Legion Baseball Team. This year Sonny (Coach/Manager) presented the Post with yet another trophy. Sonny works hard and dedicates his time to the youth on our behalf. We appreciate his efforts. The annual dinner for the financial supporters of the team had their dinner here at the post and members Jerry Purdy, Tom Dazi, Anje Vatne, Colleen Fallon, and Bill Micalizzi worked in the kitchen and served the dinner. The Legion, Auxiliary and the S.A.L. working together…that’s what it’s all about. Thank guys.

Jerry Purdy and his daughter Danielle, Tom Dazi, and Bill Duschaneck attended a Heart Association recognition event. We had two chances to win a two-year lease on a new Honda, but we didn’t win. Just as well, with 400+ members we each would only have gotten to drive the car for about a day and a half. But at least we were recognized with a beautiful plaque for our generous donation and support.

Thanks to Bruce Burks for donating a stainless steel deep fryer to the Post. We are just waiting to test it out with some aromatic french fries. You made Jerry Purdy very happy with your gift.

The government has approved our application for new rifles for our color guard. A new, secure rifle case has been installed and approved. We hope to get the rifles shortly.

New members, please attend the next meeting on Thursday, September 27 at 8PM. We will conduct an installation of new members at the meeting and we would like to express our appreciation to you for joining our organization. We hope you become as proud of it as we are.

In June, friends of Andy, Geoff and Buddy conducted a fundraiser to install a monument to our departed comrades. After expenses they donated over $1000 to the Post to establish a Legion Scholarship Fund. I have formed a committee to manage the funds and to conduct further fundraising as necessary.

My membership chairman reports we’re at 70% of our goal. Putnam County is in 2nd place in the state in membership. Those of you who haven’t paid yet, please send in your dues as soon as possible so we can maintain our standing in the state

Congratulations to Alex “Sash” Malchevsky on attaining his U.S. citizenship. Sash is a six-year member of our post and had served in the U.S. Navy.